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Mountain guides from all over the world gathered in Prague


The Czech Republic hosted the prestigious General Assembly of the International Federation of National Mountain Guides Associations IFMGA/IVBV/UIAGM. The host city was Prague, as in 2011, when this meeting was held for the first time in our country.

The event organized by the Czech Mountain Guides Association included the IFMGA board meeting and the actual working meeting preceding the General Assembly. Immediately afterwards, the "World Championship of Mountain Leaders in Sport Climbing" took place on the Big Wall Prague climbing wall. The climbing was done on Czech Tendon ropes and the winners of each category even took one rope home with them.

Due to the proximity of the meeting place and the competition venue, there was an excellent turnout this year. A total of 60 men and 15 women took to the start. Qualification was in the form of a "climbing marathon", so 30 routes 5b to 7c+, then a FLASH final for the top eight.

"The main goal of this event is to meet mountain leaders socially, exchange contacts and most importantly enjoy the climbing movement. After all, when one sees IFMGA President Urs Wellauer, TK President Kurt Walde or one of the first Swiss guides Rita Christen and currently one of the two first CAHV aspirants Klara Kuželová climbing next to each other on the stage, it is an experience. Not to mention the climbing of the oldest participants with the year of birth 1937 Otmar Wenk with Imfeld Gusti," said Radek Lienerth, chairman of the technical committee of the Czech Mountain Guides Association and one of the main organizers of the meeting.

Within the program there was also time to go outside Prague and show the foreign guests the beauty of Czech nature and especially the sandstone climbing culture within a small trip to Hruba skala and Prachov.


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