
Dynamic ropesStatic ropesSpeleo and CanyoningAccessoriesMerch

Age of ropes

The manufacture year is identifiable by a colour fibre indicator inside the rope. If the need arises to determine the accurate age of the rope, the end of the rope may be cut open and the colour (fibre) indicator shall be consulted to determine the year of manufacture.
The following is a key to the colour marking of the year of manufacture (this only applies to dynamic ropes produced by LANEX – different rope manufacturers use different colour identification systems!):

Year - ColourYear - ColourYear - Colour
1990 - red / blue2005 - blue2021 - green / yellow
1991 - red / green2006 - yellow2022 - black / yellow
1992 - red / black2007 - black2023 - red / blue
1993 - green2008 - red / yellow2024 - red / green
1994 - blue2009 - blue / yellow
1995 - yellow2010 - green / yellow
1996 - red2011 - black / yellow
1997 - red / yellow2012 - red / blue
1998 - blue / yellow2013 - red /green
1999 - green / yellow2014 - red /black
2000 - black / yellow2015 - green
2001 - red / blue2016 - blue
2000 - black / yellow2017 - yellow
2002 - red / green2018 - black
2003 - red / black2019 - red /yellow
2004 - green2020 - blue /yellow

The colours of the indicators are repeated in 11-year cycles.

If you have any doubts regarding the age of the rope, send us an approximately 20 cm long sample taken from the end of the rope. We will provide an accurate identification of the rope for you.

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